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  • We took part of the Nordic Council of Ministers and the European Citizens’ Program’s informational day.
  • We attended the birthday celebration of Feministeerium where we saw the performance “Running gag“.
  • We got in contact with the Chancellor of Justice to discuss problems with the Estonian Unemployment Fund (Töötukassa).
  • We took part of the Töötukassa seminar “Introduction to changes in work ability assessment” that took place at the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • We took part of the Estonian Women’s Union’s VII congress “The courage to decide”.
  • On the 13th of March the government of Estonia established a state of emergency because of COVID-19.
  • We took part of the research “People with physical disabilities in the Estonian labor market”.
  • We took part of a virtual work-meeting held through Skype on the topic of “Sex education in plain language”.
  • We held a virtual general meeting and elected a new board for the organisation.
  • We held “Special sailors”, the sailing days for disabled people, at Võru, Tallinn and Kuressaare. 
  • We took part of the European Disability Forum’s webinar “Left behind: women with disabilities during COVID-19”.
  • Helpific joins the network of EPNÜL on the 7th of July.
  • We took part of the virtual think thank “How to protect the interests of people with mental disorders?”.
  • We met with the Chancellor of Justice at the virtual meeting held by the Council for Disabled People. 
  • We had a meeting with Rait Kuuse, a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs, at the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People. 
  • We took part of a discussion on how to link welfare and health policies at the Tallinn Activity Center.
  • We took part of a job-shadowing event at the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, where we got to see how their magazine “Sinuga” is made.
  • The Tallinn Olympic Yachting Center welcomes new special sailboats for disabled people.
  • We held our sailing days for disabled people “Special sailors” at Pärnu, Tallinn and Kuressaare.
  • We held a training session on topics of “Gender and disability” for disabled people of Hiiumaa and Võru.
  • We took part of the Baltic seminar “Hate crimes against people with special needs”.
  • The exhibition “Disarming Language: disability, communication, rupture” opens at Tallinn Art Hall.
  • Mare Abner, our managing director, was invited to and attended the festive presidential reception for the Day of Independence of the Republic of Estonia. 
  • We took part of the conference “Age is just a number! Is that also the case on the job market?” which was held by the Estonian Human Rights Center
  •  We met with the disabled entrepreneur Olivia Naava from Uganda at the Estonian Chamber for Disabled People. 
  • We held a training session on the topic of “Gender and disabiliy” at Rakvere.
  • We held “Special sailors”, the sailing days for disabled people, at Pärnu,Tallinn and Saaremaa.
  • We had a meeting with Kaia Iva, the Minister of Social Protection, to discuss para-sailing (sailing of disabled sportspeople).
  • We held a meeting with the former members of the board of the Estonian Association of Muscular Disorders.
  • We celebrated our 20th year of working as an NGO. 
  • We took part of the international conference “And then?”.
  • We presented the report on the project “Gender-sensitive disabled people 2016” to the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • Our representatives – Jelena, Maarja and Tiina – took part of the training session on public performing at the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People. 
  • We presented the report on the development of the EPNÜL website to EPIFond.
  • We held training sessions on the topic of “Gender and disability” for the disabled people of Rapla and Jõgeva county.
  • We took part of an educational trip for disabled women to Kuopio, Finland. 
  • We met with Ana Peláez Narváez, the leader of the women’s committee of the European Disability Forum
  • We took part of the international conference “European Accessibility Directive – making accessibility a reality”.
  • We met with a representative of COFACE to discuss cooperation.
  • We held a meeting to discuss the campaign “Notice the woman, not the disability”.
  • We got funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs for our project “Gender-sensitive disabled people 2016”. 
  • We held a seminar for the members of Saaremaa Chamber of Disabled People. 
  • The first “Special Sailors” event where disabled people get a chance to go sailing, which was organised by Tallinn and Harju County Union of Disabled Women took place on the 17th of July. 
  • We held a seminar for the members of Viljandi County Chamber of Disabled People.
  • We met with Raimo Saadi, a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs, at the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People offices.
  • In December we summarised our project “Gender-sensitive disabled people 2016”. 
  • We met with Maris Jesse, the Undersecretary of Health of the Ministry of Social Affairs, an with the representatives of the Health Board at the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People offices. 
  • We took part in the international cooperation seminar “It’s better together” at the House of EU.
  • We sent a letter of concern to the Minister of Social Protection and to the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament about the talks to eliminate the position of the Commissioner for Gender Equality and Equal Treatment.
  • The Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organisations awarded the Estonian disabled people’s community with the Voice of the Year title, who were noted as such “Today, every Estonian knows that disabled people exist and they want to work, move and rejoice just as those without disabilities. The year 2014 was a significant one in the participation and visibility of disabled people.”
  • We took part of the Festival of Opinions, a yearly Estonian festival which gives different citizens a possibility to discuss problems important to them. 
  • We took part of the disabled women’s conference “Movement of Women with Disabilities in Europe and Baltic States” at Riga. 
  • We met with the Commissioner for Gender Equality and Equal Treatment at the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • We took part in the IV Congress of Estonian Women at the National Library of Estonia.
  • We were invited to a festive reception at the Embassy of the United States in Estonia.
  • We had a meeting with Praxis to talk about our meeting with Georgian women.
  • We took part of the Social Inclusion Workgroup at the Ministry of Social Affairs. 
  • We organised a work-meeting for our project “Cooperation leads to the goal”.
  • We held an informational day and a general meeting on the 27th of March.
  • Our representative Piret Mandre took part in the work meeting of the Estonian branch of the European Anti-Poverty Network in Märjamaa.
  • EPNÜ became a partner of the Estonian branch of EAPN. 
  • We took part in the conference “Together on the road to a gender-balanced society” and EPNÜ was awarded with the Best Gender-Aware NGO of 2012 title. As an award our representatives took a trip to Brussels to visit the European Parliament.
  • We took part of the seminar “Gender inequality at the workplace: progress in Estonia and international comparison”. 
  • We took part of the training session “Protection of the interests of women with disabilities” at the Tallinn Disabled People’s Activity Center.
  • The foundation of Tartu County Union of Disabled Women on the 13th of September. 
  • We took part in the work-meeting “Protection of the interests of women with disabilities” of the project “Cooperation leads to the goal”.
  • We organised an informational day “Quality counselling services for women with special needs” for the project “Gender-sensitive disabled people”. 
  • The foundation of the Viljandi county branch of EPNÜ on the 12th of May.
  • We met with women with special needs from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan at the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People. 
  • The Viljandi county branch of EPNÜ held an informational day at the Estonian Traditional Music Center in Viljandi, where the manager of the branch talked about disabled women’s life in England and presented the project “Equal opportunities of a high-quality quality life for women with special needs”.
  • We held a seminar called “Gender-sensitive disabled people” in the Central Library of Pärnu for the members of the Pärnu Chamber of Disabled People.
  • We took part of the seminar “Equal opportunities on the job market” which as organised by the women’s council and political group of the Estonian party IRL at the conference room of the Parliament. 
  • We translated articles on disabled girls and women from the English collection: „European Conference Recognising the Rights of Girls and Women with Disabilities“.
  • We took part in a day of job shadowing in the department of gender equality in the Ministry of Social Affairs
  • We wrote five projects for different funding bodies including the project “Strengthening the ability to speak for disabled children: work, family and coping” for the NGO Fund, the information day “Coping and working life of disabled women” for Tallinn Social and Health Care Board and Tartu City Social Department as well as the seminar “Gender-sensitive disabled people”.
  •  We took part of the conference organised by Tallinn Crisis Center for Women and Victim Support called “Violence against women. Legislation, media and public opinion” and EPNÜ supported the appeal towards the Parliament. 
  • We continued to publish articles from media that spoke of gender equality and disabled women on our website.
  • We organised a seminar to develop the existing crisis assistance options for disabled women and support other organisations of disabled women, take preventive action to reduce violence against disabled women and talk of the problem of double vulnerability. The seminar got funding from the Swedish Forum of Disabled Women and the Estonian Women’s Association Roundtable . Mare Abner spoke of the results of the project conducted in 2008 “Fulfilling family and sex life for disabled women”. 
  • We represented EPNÜ at the COFACE Disability seminar in Bulgaria and the seminar organised by the Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union called “Dependent persons in the European Union: who cares about their family carers?”


  • We organised an information day with the help of  Tallinn and Tartu City Government on the 17th of May “Fulfilling Life for Disabled Women”, the project was led by Mare Abner. 
  • We got funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs for the project “Fulfilling Family and Sex Life for Disabled Women” which included translating the book „Sexuality and women with disabilities“ into Estonian and conducting a qualitative study on Estonian disabled women. The aim of the study was to map the problems of Estonian disabled women and their thoughts on the issues discussed in the European Manifesto of Women with Disabilities, the project was led by Mare Abner. 
  • We wrote and implemented three projects: new website for EPNÜ, a 2-day training session on topics of family and sexuality “Equal Opportunities for Disabled Women”, and the project “The family and sex life of disabled men” by Kairi Rohtmets. 
  • Organisation representatives Jelena Pipper and Mare Abner (personal help from Janika Paulus) took part in the conference “European Network for Disabled Women” in Berlin. 
  • In the context of the European Year of Equality 2007, we published the Estonian translation of the “European Manifesto of Women with Disabilities”.
  • In May we had a meeting with disabled women and the Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable, where Ebon Kram from an organisation for Swedish disabled women spoke as a guest about disabled women and violence. Margit Rosental spoke of the problems of Estonian disabled women and this meeting started the Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable’s appeal to the government concerning disabled women’s rights.
  • Our representatives Mare Abner and Maarja Kaplisnki took part of the Spanish conference in Madrid.
  • Our representatives Kairi Rohtmets and Eda muru took part in a conference in Lisbon where organisations summarised the year in equality politics. 
  • We took part in The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People’s Training session:„Disability Rights and Advocates Training“ in Tallinn.
  • We continued to collaborate with the Estonian Academy of Art in the project “Employed by Handicrafts” which found employment options for disabled people through handicraft activities. 
  • We start partnering with media (for example Naisteleht) to improve coverage of disabled women and girls. 
  • Research project: “Women with mobility impairments and their self-evaluation on their ability to cope as a mother as well as on a personal and societal level”.
  • We conducted a training session for our members in collaboration with the Civil Training Center called: “Who has the power when the power is in the hands of the people?”
  • We represented Estonian disabled women at the conference “Sexuality and Disabled Women” in Spain. 
  • Meeting with female trainers from Georgia and Kyrgyzstan organised by the Female Training Center.
  • Pan-European event against discrimination: Stop-Discrimination Info Truck.
  • Joint seminar: “Baltic cooperation on the topic of disabled people: new opportunities and challenges”
  • Forum of Women’s Rights Organisations in St.Petersburg on 6th-8th October and the next installation of the international conference „WoMen and Democracy“. 
  • We took part in the Nordic Countries Women’s 10th Conference in Turgu, Finland.
  • We met with Lydia la Riviere-Zijdel, the president of European Women’s Lobby. 
  • We represented our organisation at the Disabled Women’s Seminar in Helsinki, with a speech by Maarja Kaplinski. Our travel was sponsored by Finland.
  • End of the project with SHIA and the Baltic partners with a summary of the questionnaires filled out in Sweden and Baltic countries. 
  • Baltic women’s third conference „WoMen and Democracy“.
  • Conference „Improving the employment of disabled people“ a project by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Great Britain. 
  • ILO project „Situation of disabled Women in the Baltic States“. 
  • Seminar „Experiences and perspectives“ in collaboration with Finnish women. 
  • Seminar „Disabled women and violence“ in collaboration with the Norwegian network of disabled women.
  • We took part in SHIA’s (Swedish Organisations of Disabled Persons International Aid Association) project: “Development and Disability in the Baltic Sea Region”.
  • We represented our organisation at a seminar on equality at the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  • We represented our organisation at the conference “Infotechnology and humane work” organised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the International Labour Orgaisation.
  • We took part in the conference for Baltic women: “WoMen and DemocracY”.
  • We took part in a seminar for Finnish and Estonian female entrepreneurs.
  • We started with the school project “Who are disabled people?” which introduced Estonian schoolchildren to the problems and realities of disabled people.
  • We organised an informational day called “Disabled women in contemporary society”.
  • We organised a seminar called “The special needs and sexual lives of disabled women”.
  • We performed as a lector in the training session called “Abuse, support and counseling systems in Estonia” that took place in Sweden.
  • We represented our organisation in international seminars in Sweden, Norway and Lithuania where the themes surrounded the mistreatment of disabled women and networks between women. 
  • We took part in the disabled women workshop of ECE regional Preparatory Meeting in Geneva.
  • We took part in the International Labour Organisation seminar: “Convention 111 – Discrimination in Employment and Occupation”.
  • We took part in the training session organised by the Estonian Union of People with Mobility Impairments and DHR (Delaktighet, Handlingskraft, Rörelsefrihet) called “Equality Between Genders” in Sweden.
  • We took part of Baltic and Swedish Disabled Women joint seminar on themes of education and employment.
  • We translated the European Manifesto by Women with Disabilities into Estonian and shared it with the Estonian disabled women community.
  • We took part of the Baltic conference in Sweden called “SwebaltQ. Seminars, Workshop, Idea and Trade Square”.
  • 11.04. The first Estonian disabled women Forum in Tallinn.
  • 02.05. Disabled women round table in Tartu.
  • 26.09. The founding meeting of Estonian Union of Disabled Women in Tartu.